Tech Goals 2025
Jan 1, 2025
#techgoalsJust like every year, I’m once again publishing a list of tech-goals for 2025.
Last year was an interesting year for me, due to switching jobs, and the crunch associated with that. As you can see in my github profile, non-work contributions dropped off a cliff in about june. My meta-tech goal is to re focus my work time so I have energy left over for personal projects.
Continue Using/Learning
- More C++! I want to dig deeper into C++20 features, like ranges, and the new templating capabilities
- Hugo
- Godot Multiplayer
Stop Using
- Unreal Engine Blueprints (within reason)
- Most AI tooling
- Bevy (I want to explore ECS outside of Rust)
Start Using/Learning
- Non-bevy ECS (probably Flecs?)
- Personal use of Unreal Engine, to augment my professional experience.
- Shaders, in general
- Godot Server APIs (low level tests)
- Docker
- Raylib